I'm all caught up! It's never too late to show a little appreciation :)
Day 27: Life. I'm thankful for life, living, and my loved ones that are alive. It sounds pretty basic, but I think all too often we take life for granted. After my father passed suddenly (almost 10 years ago), I swore I would never take life for granted again. I promised myself to never forget how life can be gone in an instant. Sometimes I forget though, and when something unthinkable happens, or almost happens, it serves as a reminder of how precious life really is. For the lives of my loved ones and myself, I am truly grateful.
Day 28: Today I'm thankful for another recent addition to our family, Uzi. He is a little, gray, Siamese-mixed kitten, and Tuck's new best friend :) He is hilariously curious, and never fails to make me smile. At first we were unsure how Tuck and Uzi would get along, but after a couple of days of almost constant play fighting, they have become BFFs. Uzi is the perfect addition to our little family, and I can't wait to see him grow into a strong, handsome cat like Tuck.
Enjoying some post-bath camaraderie... and warms. |
Uzi likes to play a little game called "Can I fit in here? How about Here?" |
Clearly meant for each other :) If this isn't cute, I don't know what is. |
Day 29: One of the things I'm so thankful for is photography. Not just as an art, but for the ability to capture a moment, a face, a gesture, an emotion, and freeze it like nothing else can. So much can be expressed in a still photo- there's a reason why a picture is worth 1,000 words. I enjoy capturing other people's memories and preserving them, freezing their families and faces in time to be pulled out down the road at a family party, or perhaps put in a wedding slideshow. I'm no good at drawing, but I like being able to convey a visual, so photography is the perfect medium for me :)
Day 30: For the last day of my Thankful Challenge, I want to thank God for my faith I have in him. Without constant proof of demonstration of his hand in my life, I wouldn't have half the faith that I do. As hard as I try, I'm still a human, and then littlest of things can stir doubt in my heart. So thank you, Lord, for giving me a good kick in the head when I need it, and for comforting me through my trials and triumphs. Without you, I would never be where I am today.
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