Day 18: Today I'm thankful for my employment. I am one of the lucky college grads that got full-time employment right out of college. Currently, I work at a wood shop and an airsoft/camping store, A&P Gear Co. At the wood shop I do a little bit of everything- sanding, inventory, and (every once in a while) duck calls. I work hard, but I still get to have fun and make a decent wage. What more could a girl ask for?
Day 19: Along with my job, I'm thankful to have enough. Heck, I have more than enough. Many people have to scrape by on MUCH less than we earn, and I'm incredibly thankful for that luxury. Sometimes it's hard to remember that we actually do have enough when the bills are due, or when there's a new thing that we really want, but I'm trying harder to remember these days.
Day 20: I'm Thankful for the internet. It sounds rather silly, but without the wonder of the world wide web, I wouldn't be able to do or share many things I enjoy. If it weren't for, Adam (my husband) and I would have never met. I couldn't keep in contact as well with my sisters and mother, who live anywhere from 657-2500 miles away. Without internet access, I couldn't share my photography, or keep in touch with as many friends as I do from high school. I have certainly wasted a lot of time on Facebook, but the wonder of the internet has had an overall positive impact on my life.
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