Lately, physical activity (like running up and down hills at the airsoft field) makes me feel out of breath and pathetic. In college, I had plenty of Intramural sports and walking around campus to keep me active. I also had a free to use (well, part of my $49,900 tuition), brand new gym facility at my disposal. Thus, it was fairly easy to keep (somewhat) fit.
These days, there is no gym 150 yards from my door. I don't have healthy food already prepared and waiting for me (like in Lowry, even though "healthy" just meant chicken breast and the salad bar). I have to make fitness a priority in my life or it's just not going to happen. Recently, I have decided that I'm not making anymore excuses.
No more "I leave the house at 6am and don't get home until 7 or 8pm, so I don't have time."
I now leave the house at 4:45 to work out before work. It's painful sometimes, but it actually makes me feel better the rest of the day.
No more "But MAN that soda would be refreshing right now! I'll just have a glass."
I broke my addiction and haven't had soda for about 3 weeks now. It doesn't sound like much, but for the first few days it was REALLY hard to say no.
No more putting sugar in my coffee or tea.
Stevia is natural, has 0 calories, and doesn't taste like cancer.
No more eating as much as I want.
Because if I'm going to get my lazy buns up at 4am to get in a workout, I sure as HECK am not going to waste it by eating junk, or more than my stomach was ever meant to hold.
I know I'm going to mess up. I'm going to eat more than I should once in a while. I might even cave and have a chocolate bar for breakfast (not that I did this morning or anything.......) but I'm going to try to do it right.
I've realized that, until this point, I've always talked about getting fit, being more healthy. Sometimes I'll even give up soda for a week, or go on a few walks. However, I haven't given it more than half an effort. Recently, I think something recently clicked:
Major change requires major effort.
Until I actually apply myself and give it my all, no significant change is going to happen.
Until I actually apply myself and give it my all, no significant change is going to happen.
So I've been applying myself, and so far, I've lost 7 lbs! I've had more endurance while playing airsoft, felt better at work (which requires a lot of physical strength), and been more energetic throughout the day. Small things have begun to happen that show me my hard work is paying off- I'm wearing my belt a notch smaller. Water is much tastier than it used to be. I've been able to wake up and get out of bed easier.
I know I'm no where close to where I want to be, but if I keep up this effort, I believe it will pay off. I just can't wait to see the results :)
I know I'm no where close to where I want to be, but if I keep up this effort, I believe it will pay off. I just can't wait to see the results :)