Dear College (especially Wooster) Seniors,
I write this letter to you not to be condescending, not to tell you how to live your life, but to simply tell you some of the things I did do and should have done in order to make the most of my senior year. Life is all about transitions, and this is probably the biggest one you've had to make yet.
First, manage your studies well.
I say this to those of you especially who have a big thesis to write. Plan it out, motivate to get done early. When then end of the year comes and every moment you get with your friends is more treasured than ever, you don't want to be stuck behind a desk missing what might be your last chance to be silly, reckless, and a little crazy.
As I'm sure you've noticed, every year seems to fly faster, and this is certainly no exception. Before you know it you'll be posting pictures like this on Facebook.
Just remember all those things on your college bucket list won't happen unless you make it happen now, not later.
This certainly doesn't happen to everyone, but by the end of college (really a few weeks into senior year) I started feeling like it just wasn't the place for me anymore. I still loved seeing my friends, studying, all that. But living in a tiny dorm room and sharing a bathroom with God knows how many other people? It just started to get old. I learned that a (close to) normal bedtime makes it a lot easier to get for an 8 a.m. job everyday. I started feeling more and more annoyed at the people who were making a ruckus while I was in the midst of completing the project that would determine my academic fate. Just know, it's ok.
Sidebar: People might start getting engaged and stuff. It's ok. You're not going to be alone forever, you just haven't found your person yet.
I feel as though some people believe that you magically go from college kid to full blown adult in one summer, especially at a residential campus like Wooster. Some people do, but some people have to get jobs senior year. Some get internships that give them real experience. Some truly call Wooster their home because they no longer see their parents for more than a few days at a time.
If you start feeling like an adult, it's ok. Just don't forget to break out the bubbles and chalk every once in a while :)

(for my Wooster peeps)
This is the day you've been waiting for since freshman year, when you could declare your utmost state of done-ness, you really just have one goal:
Don't pass out before the parade!
Seriously, the parade was the best part of my day. Imagine not walking, but floating, on a high of a lot of drank utter joy and academic achievement down the Kauke mall, your underclassmen friends and loves cheering you on. It's the best feeling ever. Seriously. Not only this, but it is the one and only opportunity you'll have to be totally "unprofessional" around your professors and deans. MAKE IT COUNT!
Finally: Know that this College has prepared you far more than you know.
If you're one of my friends and you're a senior, I can say this: You have brains in your head and shoes on your feet, and by the time you graduate you'll be more than prepared for the next step. Don't get complacent, but don't hold back from any opportunity because you feel you aren't ready. You are. So go for it!
You'll all do well, and whatever it is you end up doing, where ever you end up going, whatever decisions you make, just know that you can take whatever life throws at you.
Sometimes you'll feel as though I.S. (or any thesis) will never end... it will. Just remember. It. Will. End.